Friday, October 5, 2007


Jiddu Krishnamurti -

---I have enjoyed reading his books, back in the 1970's and beyond. He was very influencial to any clear thinking I may have done, or do. I am and was very glad to know that ''seeing'' things the way he does, is, OKAY and very confirming to me. From the very first time I read anything attributed to him, I agreed with it.

---His BOOKS - (Many)

1. Commentaries On Living Series - Vol 1
2. Education and the Significance of Life
3. Awakening of Intelligence
(I recommend anything that bears his label.)

---His Vids (YouTube, etc.)
---I, first, read the book, ''The Flight of the Eagle.'' It was a book Bobby Darling had forgotten at my house. Bobby had been talking about Krishnamurti, lately. As I said, I found myself agreeing, constantly, when I read the book. I had had an experience in my own life that left me with a vision that could be cooroborated by his own.

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